Monday 6 January 2014

Planning Stages

At this stage, you should have a clear idea of audience and expectations that has been informed by thorough research into similar media products. Hopefully you have been inspired by your research and you have a clear sense of the codes and conventions of a video of your chosen genre.

By Tuesday 21 January, you should have completed:

1. A rough draft of an idea as a storyboard
2. Present draft as an animatic to target audience & document responses
3. Make changes to storyboard as appropriate to audience feedback, documenting why changes were made
4. Recreate animatic
5. Create a shooting schedule, timetable, task list, shot list, props list, location list, lighting needs, actor list, costume list.
6. Ensure that everything is documented and uploaded and that your group is in constant communication on your blogs.
7. Take plenty of good photos as evidence of this stage.
8. Be creative and careful in the presentation and management of this information
9. Be aware of the need to photoshoot your band on/off location for other promotional materials

** Refer to the mark scheme below for levels

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